![]() 10/09/2013 at 20:45 • Filed to: Road Rage, Right lane, Left lane, Hate | ![]() | ![]() |
How you might feel, and why I don't care.
So VALSIDALV made this !!!error: Indecipherable SUB-paragraph formatting!!! about safe driving, and I got to thinking. Thinking about how I drive, and one thing came to mind. I HATE people that don't more over. So much that I don't even wait to give people the chance to get over anymore.
I'll start by stating most my driving is for small errands, or for fun around Detroit. 95% surface street stuff. But when I hop on the highway to go home, I'm on it for hours. That trip always goes the same way.
I'll hop on the expressway, set the cruise at 78-79 in a 70mph zone, and it will go great for a few minutes. Until I come across someone doing 3-5mph over. Which I know is still technically speeding. So I wait. A minute later, I'll pass them on the right AND THEN THEY WILL GET OVER.
Repeat this a few more times in a half hour and I'm over it. For the next 3 hours I won't even slow down, just signal to the right and go around them. Please tell me I'm not the only one that when they look in their mirrors and sees a approaching car, they mover over.
Or yell at me, whatever I'm not the boss of you.
![]() 10/09/2013 at 20:49 |
I always give them a chance to move over. If they don't, I have no remorse passing on the right.
![]() 10/09/2013 at 20:54 |
" If they don't, I have no mercy for their soul"
Fixed it for ya.
![]() 10/09/2013 at 20:57 |
I could have written this exact post myself.
I've lived in the northeast, the midwest, and the south. This is not just a regional occurrence. My theory is that people are such bad drivers that they don't look in their mirror. They only realize they should move over when they see you having to pass them on the right.
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I've debated on several occasions to start using my flashers, and be that douchebag ... hell I might just trying it out friday when I do another one of these trips.
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I've been driving for nearly 20 years, and only monthas ago did I learn the following: in most jurisdictions (I'm not sure about MI), if it's a multi-lane highway and you travel in your lane past a vehicle in another lane, it's not technically "passing". "Passing" is when you and the vehicle you are passing were/are in the same lane, and you move into either the oncoming lane or towards the shoulder in order to get past them. So, while "Slower traffic keep right" or "Keep right except to pass" is a good guideline that we should all follow, it's not a law set in stone. Moving to the right lane and "passing them on the right" is perfectly legal and acceptable on a multi-lane highway or freeway in most places.
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I feel like all this automated car technology could be put to much better use. If someone has to pass you to the right, the computer takes over, pulls you to the shoulder, and you get a five-minute timeout.
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I'm not sure that will help. The kind of people who are too stupid to use and understand their mirrors are usually the kind of people who take it personally when you flash the highbeams. They'll think it's a game at that point and try to "teach you a lesson" by not letting you over.
I'll never forget the time I got stuck behind a Mexican roadblock for like five minutes and got so frustrated that I crossed over the rumble strip on the right just to get around.
![]() 10/09/2013 at 21:13 |
I've tried the flashing route (I've lived in BC, and currently in Saskatchewan) and it breaks down like this:
- BC drivers: ~60% will move, the other ~40% won't have fucks to give
- Saskatchewan drivers: ~80 can't be bothered to shoulder check when backing out of a parking space, what makes you think they'll look in their rear-view mirror?
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Oh I know its legal, its just that myself any many other view it as a un-written rule that you keep & don't pass on the right. I've read numerous times, that is why the Autobahn works so well. Because all of the drivers follow the same road etiquette.
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But if it was automated, wouldn't it know to move to the right?
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Haha yes!
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I don't even know what a mexican road block is, but I laughed regardless. I think this means I'm racist.
But your probably right on the high beams.
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Ahh, so life across the border is that different after all ...
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In my 27 years I have never seen someone from the south pass on the right.
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Ha, no that doesn't make you racist.
On Gawker, yes. But they'll jump on any little thing they can. I try to keep my nose out of all that.
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Sorry for the confusion, I didn't actually mean south.
I meant Florida. Totally different ;)
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Hahahahaha. Atlanta doesn't count either.
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Well it's also a HUGE fine to not get over to allow faster moving traffic.
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Ahh, I also hate that. Just never knew there was a term for it.
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good we need that too ....
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I hate being passed on the right so goddamn much. I am always passed at this spot when I am in the exiting lane because self important pricks cant be bothered to let any one else go, even though their lane ends. Just when you think noone else can possibly pass you they do, cutting you off, flipping you the bird and hitting the wall.
Fuck people who pass on the right in this manner. I wish I could ram them in the wall. Seriously, you think that people wont pass you now cause they nearly hit the wall but they pass you anyways. Fuck all right passers, I waited in line also, I deserve a turn.
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While we're at it, Mexican doorbell and the more popular Jersey barrier .
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I have zero problem with the mexican road block (so long as I'm in the right hand lane) to hold up that one huge douche till when I know there will be cops and then letting him free to speed off after he's done some serious festering. I always wave when I drive past him/her pulled over.
![]() 10/09/2013 at 21:40 |
I call that the Slingshot Effect.
You modify your driving in a subtle way to subconsciously get the other driver to speed up.
OK, I just checked and someone else out there thinks like I do.
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I'm talking about staying in a ending lane as long as possible. Those are the 1 in 100 hundred dicks. They're in every aspect of life.
I'm talking about motha-fuckas like this white van/SUV. He ain't got no need to be there doe!!!
![]() 10/09/2013 at 21:57 |
Lol I'm kind of proud I didn't know these either .... either way though, hilarious.
![]() 10/09/2013 at 22:05 |
Oh shit. Reading fail on my part.If they are one in a hundred how come I got passed by 6 today?? LOL>
I tend not to drive that fast on the highways (about 70) where here the speed limit is 62, but a lot of people go 75 so when I am out in the left lane, I watch mirrors, and get over to let people by unless I am still passing cars.
My only opinion is this: If they are still passing cars, don't tailgate like a dick. It's not their fault others drive too slow!
![]() 10/09/2013 at 22:10 |
If you are passing I have zero problem with you, after all we're all just trying to get somewhere. It's the blatant I don't care who else is on the road and can't be bothered mentality that gets to me.
So I think we're on the same side here.
![]() 10/09/2013 at 23:35 |
Might as well leave this here.
![]() 10/10/2013 at 00:33 |
Nah. We can trust people to drive their own cars until they screw up. Then punish them accordingly.
![]() 10/10/2013 at 01:04 |
You should at least wait a few secs before passing on the right. I hate when I'm starting to move over with my right signal on for someone in a rush and they get into the same lane I'm moving into. I don't stay in the left lane, these are situations when I'm passing like 5 mph faster than the car on the right (when someone comes up behind me) then get back over to the right.
![]() 10/10/2013 at 08:50 |
Exactly. No one in the US seems to understand a quick flash-flash of the high beams.
![]() 10/10/2013 at 10:28 |
I typically hang behind them for a bit, see if they will get the hint and move over. They usually don't. So I end up signalling, and passing them on the right. It happens repeatedly the highway I take home each day. I'm not sure if it's a power thing, like "I will make you slow down to a speed I deem appropriate" or if it's a rights thing, like "I have the right to be here going 50 in a 55 in the left lane and I will" or if it's just a complete lack of attention to driving and other motorists. I get that some people hate their families and aren't in a hurry, but I actually like being around mine and if I want to do 70 mph in the left lane, they shouldn't get in the way of that.
Now a huge pet peeve is busses. Like Trailways style commuter busses. They are all over DC and the suburbs, I even rode one at one point. Great to be on, horrible to be around. They hang out doing the speed limit in the left lane of the highway, for what reason I'm not sure. Maybe so they don't have to get over when people merge in? Not sure, but it's really annoying. I have a picture of one on my phone I'll have to post. No one in front of them, no one to the right of them, just a line of cars looking to get around them. Grumble.